93.3 WSLP News

Paul Smith’s Faculty Member Secures Grant For Climate Change Research

Dr. Joseph A. Henderson, Paul Smith’s College Environment & Society faculty member, alongside Dr. K.C. Busch (NC State University), secured a $50,000 grant from the Spencer Foundation to advance climate change education research. Together, Drs. Busch and Henderson alongside Dr. Don Haas from the Paleontological Research Institution (Ithaca, NY) used the funding from the grant to organize and host the Climate Change Education Collective earlier this month, a first-ever national conference on climate change education. The digital interdisciplinary conference was held January 6 – January 8, bringing together groups of experts to advance research, policy, and practice around broad themes in climate change education research. Approximately 75 people were in attendance from all over the world, including Australia, New Zealand, Europe and Canada.

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