93.3 WSLP News

Virtual Q & A For Commercial Property And Business Owners In Saranac Lake

The Village of Saranac Lake and the Saranac Lake Area Chamber of Commerce will host a virtual question & answer session for commercial property owners and business owners on Nov. 10, at 3 p.m. The Energize Lake Flower Business District grant program provides matching grant funds to help business owners and property owners make improvements and establish business amenities that enhance the Lake Flower Avenue and River Street commercial area. These business and property owners are invited to attend the virtual session on Nov. 10 for an overview of the program, a review of the application, and opportunity to ask questions and receive answers. Eligible projects include building and site improvements, such as façade enhancements, storefront renovations, landscaping, and signage for properties along Lake Flower Avenue and a portion of River Street.

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