Two Locals Named To USA Nordic Ski Teams

USA Nordic has nominated 45 American athletes to its 2021-22 national and junior nordic combined and ski jumping team. Among them, for the women’s national ski jumping team, 27 year old Nina Lussi of Lake Placid. For the nordic combined ski junior team, 16 year old Tate Frantz of Lake Placid, Athletes achieved the nominations … Read more

Adirondack Foundation Names Three To Board Of Trustees

Adirondack Foundation welcomes Jim Allison, David Sand and Carolyn Sicher to its Board of Trustees. In addition to new trustees, the foundation also established a Community Council to broaden perspectives and engage people across the region. Allison is president of a company that provides respiratory services and home medical equipment for veterans. Sand is an … Read more

COVID Vaccination Clinic Thursday

There is a COVID-19 Vaccination Clinic in Saranac Lake Thursday. That’s on April 29th for all who are 18 or older and live, work, or study in New York. Moderna vaccine will be administered. You can register through a link on the Franklin County Public Health Facebook page.

North Elba, ORDA Come To Terms On Hospital Property

The Town of North Elba will enter a long-term lease agreement with the New York Olympic Regional Development Authority (ORDA) for their use of the former Lake Placid Memorial Hospital property. The Town took over ownership of this property in 2019; this ownership will be retained and ORDA will lease the site for 50 years … Read more

DEC Releases Deer Harvest Numbers

The 2020 estimated deer take included 137,557 antlerless deer and 116,433 antlered bucks. Statewide, this represents a 30-percent increase in antlerless harvest and a three-percent decrease in buck harvest from the last season. Across the board, whether with a bow, muzzleloader, or rifle, hunters targeted antlerless deer more in 2020 than 2019. Hunters took 33,260 … Read more

Sheriff’s Office Fraud Alert

Essex County Sheriff’s Office has been hearing from a lot of people who recently received a fraudulent letter from the NYS Department of Labor. They say if you get a letter stating your unemployment claim has been denied, please use the following link to report this to the Department of Labor. Do not return the … Read more

Child Safety Seat Virtual Event

There is a virtual event upcoming on Child Passenger Safety for Booster-Aged and Older Children. It will address questions such as When can a child move from a harnessed car seat to a belt-positioning booster? What are key points of booster seat safety? When can a child stop using a booster and just wear the … Read more

Community Needs Assessment Survey

The Joint Council for Economic Opportunity is still collecting feedback from the community to update the Community Needs Assessment. The survey is very quick and your responses help determine where to focus agency programs and services so that they can better serve Clinton and Franklin Counties. You can get to the survey through a link … Read more

Oval Wood Dish Factory Building In Tupper Lake Sold

The former Oval Wood Dish factory on Demars Boulevard has been sold to a development company that plans to convert the 110,000-square-foot building into mixed-income housing and business. The Adirondack Daily Enterprise reports the sale went through last week as Norman Bobrow, of Manhattan sold the property to Syracuse-based Lahinch Group. No word as yet … Read more

Main Street Parking Rules Changing In Lake Placid

The Lake Placid Village Board of Trustees has made some changes to the Main Street parking rules, including a slight increase in the hourly rate at the municipal parking lot across from the post office. The Adirondack Daily Enterprise reports village trustees adopted three parking changes during their regular meeting on Monday. They approved an … Read more