Pair Of Public Hearings In Lake Placid Monday

The Lake Placid Board of Trustees has scheduled two public hearings on Monday. According to the Adirondack Daily Enterprise, one concerns smoking marijuana in public places and another is centered proposed updates to local vacation rental regulations. Both happen ahead of the village’s board meeting at 5 p.m. on Monday at the North Elba Town … Read more

Tupper Lake Tries To Land DRI Grant

Tupper Lake is trying to land a $10 million Downtown Revitalization Initiative grant. The Adirondack Daily Enterprise reports officials want input from the community — thoughts, opinions, ideas and suggestions on how the money should be spent if Tupper Lake were to win the state grant funding. Many municipalities throughout the state vie for the … Read more

New Route 73 Shuttle System

DEC, Essex County, and the town of Keene have announced the details of the new, pilot Route 73 shuttle system that will launch on Saturday, Aug. 21. The shuttle system will operate on weekends and holidays through Monday, Oct. 11, and at no cost to riders. The new hiker shuttle route will start and end … Read more

Little Reacts To Cuomo Resignation

Former Republican New York State Senator Betty Little says she was surprised when Gov. Cuomo resigned. WNYT quotes Little as saying, “The investigation was damaging, and I think that the support from his own party was not there. The biggest thing, I think, that brought him to resignation was his daughters, and he said that, … Read more

SLLDC Has August 17th Meeting

Saranac Lake Local Development Corporation meets Tuesday, August 17, 5:30 pm – 6:30 pm The SLLDC is a non profit based out of the Village of Saranac Lake. The Village Board of Trustees members have appointed a Board of Directors to make decisions and implement plans. The monthly meeting of the Board of Directors is … Read more

County Health Department Issues Advsiory On HAB’s

Essex County Public Health with an advisory concerning Harmful algal blooms. HAB’s are the rapid growth of algae or cyanobacteria that can cause harm to people, animals, or the local ecology. Harmful algae or cyanobacteria can look like foam, scum, paint, or mats on the surface of water and can be different colors. These blooms … Read more

August ArtWalk In Saranac Lake

August ArtWalk in Saranac Lake happens Thursday, August 18th 5-7:30 PM, celebrating local artists and musicians. Artists of all genres—visual and performance artists—and all skill levels, are mixed together throughout downtown, displaying or demonstrating their creative products.

Tupper Lake Receives Northern Border Regional Commission Funds

Today, Congresswoman Elise Stefanik announced that five projects in her district have been awarded in North Border Regional Commission funds this year totaling over $2 million. The Village of Tupper Lake in Franklin County received an award of $500,000 for critical infrastructure upgrades to support jobs, housing, local businesses, and economic development.

Ranger Rescue In North Elba

A ranger rescue in the Town of North Elba. While patrolling Marcy Dam in the High Peaks Wilderness Area, a ranger happened upon a group with an injured hiker. The hiker sustained a non-weight-bearing ankle injury. The ranger assisted with carrying the eight-year-old from Massachusetts back to the parking lot. The group planned to seek … Read more

Ranger Rescue In Newcomb

A ranger rescue in the Town of Newcomb. Dispatch received notification from the Mount Marcy Summit Steward of a sick hiker in the Flowed Lands lean-to. Lake Colden Caretaker Kelly and Assistant Fire Ranger Adams walked the 18-year-old hiker from Pennsylvania out of the woods. Forest Rangers were on standby with a wheeled litter at … Read more